Save Time Applying for SNAP and SSI

young woman and older woman reviewing information on a laptop

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impose hardships, especially on people who face barriers to our services and benefits. We want you to know about other benefits you may be entitled to receive. This includes the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program – or SNAP.

SNAP is a federal program – run by state agencies – that helps people with low-income purchase nutritious food.

When you apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you can also apply for SNAP. If you and everyone in your household are applying for or already receive SSI payments, Social Security will:

All other applicants, including people who apply for or receive only Social Security benefits, should take or send their SNAP application to their local SNAP office. You may also submit your SNAP application online. To find your local SNAP office or apply online, visit the Food and Nutrition Service’s SNAP State Directory of Resources website. You can also call the SNAP information line toll free at 1-800-221-5689.

To see if you’re eligible for SNAP, check out the SNAP Eligibility page. We also encourage you to check out our publication, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Facts, for additional information on the program.

Our efforts align with the President’s mission to address nutrition insecurity for America’s families – and help you secure today and tomorrow. Please share this information with your family and friends – and post it on social media.

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About the Author

Dawn Bystry, Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications

Deputy Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications

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March 28, 2022 10:07AM

Social security income it helps those who need extra help even when earning a paycheck

Jerry H.

April 15, 2022 10:42PM

Yeah you would like to think that was the case , however I and probably a lot of other people who applied and we’re told that Even though you have a disability you can get a job that you can do ,I guess we can expect an employer who only cares about his profit margin to accommodate the restrictions that a doctor recommended , you can’t believe that first of all they ask you on the application if you have any disabilities and you have to answer yes so much for you getting hired there goes that little bit of help the SSI just claimed to give you.

Luciano G.

March 13, 2022 5:38PM Ssi check payment send in mail please


March 15, 2022 9:26AM

Hi, Luciano. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask that members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., for assistance. You can also contact your local Social Security office . We hope this helps.

Luciano G.

March 31, 2022 11:43AM Thanks to direct express I have my life back

Cindy G.

March 7, 2022 1:30PM

I have had Covid for over 8 weeks Dec.- Feb. I have done my best to keep up on my bills and applications. I received a notification that Social Security me a review for my Disability that I can’t find anywhere and I don’t throw any of these things away. I am still disabled if not worse. My Masshealth has been dropped I hopefully am working out things with dta for my food stamps. This is only a matter of days. I also am consider a with long time Covid. I have Pulmonary issues.

Zenaida A.

March 6, 2022 2:30AM

If I was receiving survivors benefits widow s and my son turned 16 but has learning disabilities does that qualify as a disability which would allow me to continue reciing my benefits


March 7, 2022 11:25AM

Hi, Zenaida. Your son’s survivors benefits will continue to age 18, and your “mother in the care of a child” benefits stop when he turns 16, unless your son is disabled. To make that determination, your son would have to file a disability claim. Your son’s disability claim must be sent to the Disability Determination Services office in your state which will make a decision based on the medical evidence. If his claim is approved, then we can reinstate your benefits. The length of time it takes to receive a decision on a disability claim can vary based on several factors: the nature of your son’s disability, how quickly we obtain medical evidence from his doctor or other medical sources, and if his claim is randomly selected for a quality assurance review. If you have further questions, you should contact your local Social Security office to discuss your case. We hope this information is helpful.

Tia A.

March 14, 2022 1:06AM

Mother’s,SSD benefits were STOPPED,for money received from an estate,,2020 COVID 19 she received the money an was unable to report money, Mentally,an Phisacly Medically Determined to be permanently Disabled , mom’s name is please help before she is homeless,SSI Desability has been her only income for the past 17 years


March 15, 2022 10:05AM

Hi, Tia. We are sorry to hear about your mother’s situation. For her security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask that members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. She can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., for assistance. She can also contact her local Social Security office . We hope this helps.


March 3, 2022 3:56PM Does Medicare help financially for senior citizens funeral


February 18, 2022 5:56AM

I have been receiving both SSI and SSDI since 2013 as well as both Medicare and Medicaid. I saw banks in October 2021 and immediately called to change my direct deposit, but after 5 calls only the SSDI was changed, the 6th call told me to contact my local office. I did in January and informed them the old access was closed by the bank, they said they changed the SSI direct deposit info which wouldn’t go into effect until March, my February benefit would be returned to the treasury and reissued. I got a letter saying that I no longer will be getting SSI starting in March because I didn’t report the change. I did, many times. I called again and was reassured it was reinstated, but it isn’t reflecting on my social security account on the website. I also lost my Medicaid. I started a dual plan for Maryland that began on the 1st of the year. I can’t lose my insurance and nothing aside from my bank has changed, I should still be receiving SSI. I am terrified of losing both Medicaid (I will not be allowed to keep the dual eligibility insurance which provides dental, which I desperately need and vision) and SSI because I barely have enough with both SSI and SSDI each month after bills. I am trying to figure out what doctors I have to stop seeing once my insurance changes because I can’t afford them(I see at least 9 specialists, possibly a few more). The thing is, I can’t really stop seeing any of them without repercussions to my health that range from bad to life threatening. I can’t get anyone to help me despite 8 phone calls since October, 2 to the local office which I thought fixed things but resulted in my benefits being stopped. They said the Treasury would reissue the check since the bank returned it because the amount was closed, but that’s the reason cited as to why it’s being stopped (because it was sent back). I need help desperately, especially because I loose my insurance and SSI in March, also I haven’t received my SSI benefit for February. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could reach out to me ASAP. I’m really worried and it’s already exacerbating my health conditions, I don’t know what to do to fix this because I technically reported it in October and was assured both SSI and SSDI were switched to the new account, by 5 people.


February 23, 2022 12:42PM

Hi, Kara. We are sorry to hear about your situation. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask that members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., for assistance. You can also contact your local Social Security office . We hope this is resolved soon.


March 5, 2022 8:35AM

Go get a real job it can befit your and you can have some money so you do t have to depend on Ssi or Sadi it’s not gonna help you I. The future when you want to retire. Even if it’s only a part time job. And something you able to do go for it it will help trust me I e been there done that


April 7, 2022 10:34PM

I would like to comment on what you said SSDI it comes from working and ( income because you did work and became disabled and can no longer work ) like maybe cancer, kidney disease, heart disease, Chronic Fibromyalgia Ptsd etc. So please think about these! SSDI. I EARNED IT!! TWO JOBS WHILE RAISING MY CHILDREN! I PRAY YOU NEVER ARE PUT IN THIS POSITION!! BECAUSE I WOULD EXTEND MY ARM OUT TO HELP YOU WITHOUT JUDGING . NOW SSI There are people who don’t receive FULL SSDI receive SSI.There are other situations that Qualify!! IM TRULY SORRY IF YOU HAD A BAD DAY! WE ALL DO!