Every three years, IDOT develops a new Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). This program document is required by the federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, this program contains all federal and state-funded highway and public transportation projects proposed in Illinois over a four-year period. The STIP is split into three categories; Highway, Transit, and Intercity Rail. The Highway portion is split into three subcategories; Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) areas, Significant, and Grouped projects. IDOT’s Proposed Highway Improvement Program is used in the development of the STIP.
The publication of the STIP is based on IDOT’s program planning process, which focuses on policies and goals outlined in the Illinois State Transportation Plan. As part of the STIP development, IDOT publishes a draft after the General Assembly approves the annual state budget. The draft STIP also includes an invitation to the public to review the document and submit comments via the enclosed form or calling the listed telephone numbers. This is accompanied by the publication of display ads in newspapers throughout the state and a statewide news release informing the public of the availability of the draft STIP at IDOT offices and through the Illinois Document Depository Libraries.
The comments received on the draft STIP are then taken into consideration in the development of the final STIP.
If significant changes are made to the draft STIP, such as program emphasis and the addition or deletion of regionally significant projects, IDOT will publish notifications of the amendments in the newspaper with the predominant circulation in the area impacted by the change.
Projects must be included in the STIP in order to be eligible for the federal reimbursement. Modifications to the STIP are made during implementation of the Annual Highway Improvement Program.