They seek community opinion in redesigning electoral districts

electoral maps

The House Redistricting Committee voted unanimously to approve the redistricting of the new electoral maps for Wake County.

The new maps impact House Districts 36, 37, 40 and 41. These districts cover the populations located in the South East and South West of the county; as well as some populations in the Northwest.

The legislature faces a court order to have them ready in July. The map approved in committee on Thursday, June 6, is likely to be voted on soon in both state chambers.

Wake County has 11 seats in the House of Representatives. All in the power of the Democrats.

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Thursday's vote came after a court ruled late last year that Republican lawmakers had violated the state Constitution when they redrawn four of this county's 11 House districts while they were redrawing other districts. that were declared unconstitutional in another case, at a time when these districts were not under discussion.

The plaintiffs argued in court that the lines had been redrawn not only unnecessarily, but also specifically to help Republicans; especially former Rep. Nelson Dollar, R-Wake, chief budget writer for the House of Representatives. The representative ended up losing his candidacy in the 2018 election against Democrat Julie von Haefen.

Those interested in having a say in how these electoral districts are being redrawn can weigh in. To do so, you can access the North Carolina General Assembly website at the following link:

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They seek community opinion in redesigning electoral districts

by Paola Jaramillo, Enlace Latino NC
June 10, 2019