Teacher Appreciation Questionnaire

Sometimes, it just takes a passionate teacher with a goal for the students to be excited about a subject they previously could care less about. At the end of the semester, students would find themselves working harder than they originally planned for that course. How many careers in the arts, sciences, and humanities have been lit up because students found themselves to have loved the fundamental subjects? Students go to school to learn how to make it far in life. They come out with a purpose in society. For reshaping society for the modern world, educators are receiving less teacher appreciation efforts than deserved.

Teacher appreciation celebrations honor the gift of modern man to itself: our educators. From learning how to doodle crooked shapes to single-handedly performing an assay of zinc in plants, our teachers have carried humanity until we could make it in the academic and real-world on our own. Educators perform their magic on the students, and it is the students who can attest to the greatness of a teacher. So, the school administration should recognize these mentors and their most inspired works with the help of the student body.

Rallying support for this cause will not be a challenge because the students themselves believe their teachers deserve recognition for their work. The office can hand survey questionnaires to the students to find out which of your teachers are top performers in the school. A survey in the form of teacher appreciation questionnaires is a cost-effective way that you can reach many students. Once you have collected enough information, how do you celebrate your teachers’ achievements?

Give Love On Teachers Day

While handmade thank you letters, apples, and roses are how kids show their love for preschool and kindergarten teachers, maybe it’s time for the school administrators to show a little more love than that. You can organize a short meeting with all your teachers. During the session, the school board can give a sincere appreciation speech about how the school sees and recognizes your teachers’ efforts hard work. You can also arrange for appreciation messages from your students to give to your educators. The school can also provide gift cards or cash bonuses as a treat for your teachers. While this doesn’t have to be an everyday occurrence, there are other ways that you can show that you value your educators.

And Give Love Everyday

It also comes across genuine when you appreciate them on days other than teachers’ day. While heartfelt appreciation letters are thoughtful, addressing your teachers’ concerns in and out the classroom also shows that the administration cares about them. A viral GoFundMe campaign asks the public to help the teachers afford school supplies. The fact that educators are either spending their own money or crowdsourcing for help shows how little the support our system gives to these professionals. Your school board can address this issue by talking about dedicating a fund for classroom and learning supplies. This will save your teachers from sourcing the money from their tight budget. While waiting for the decision on that matter, you can also provide free coffee for the faculty and staff.

It’s one thing to celebrate all your teachers’ efforts and accomplishments, let’s move to how we can recognize the stand-out educators who performed beyond what was expected from them. You can work with your students for this part. They can tell you, and they will be more than willing to, about who they think left the best impression on them. Your students are your best source for the data, and you can easily ask them through questionnaires.

4+ Teacher Appreciation Questionnaire Examples & Templates

Browse through the following free printable teacher appreciation questionnaire templates that you can use for your activity!